Newport Beach Unlawful Termination Attorneys is a professional team in Tustin, serving Newport beach and all Orange County area, Unlawful Termination is an issue that employment lawyers handle. Just a few minutes driving distance from Newport Beach in California, there is a law firm that handles employment issues by representing employees against their employers. For example, if an employee had been working at a company for about twelve years and had never been written up or had any complaints made against them in the past and recently they turned a certain age over 40 and their boss started treating them differently in a negative way. Perhaps the employee may have received a write-up or were laid off in combination with comments that were made to them in regards to their age such as “you’re getting too old to do this job” or “we need a youthful approach to this project”.
In California, there are many types of reasons for termination that would be considered as “unlawful” under state law, which would require a Newport Beach Unlawful Termination Attorneys. Reasons that are considered to be illegal for termination would be race, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion, medical condition, marital status, color, ancestry, and engagement in a protected activity. Situations that involve termination based on one of the reasons listed previously would need to be reviewed by an attorney who practices employment law. By having an employment attorney review the details of the termination, they may be able to reach the conclusion of whether or not it is worth perusing and or if it was indeed an unlawful termination, to begin with.
Other common forms of unlawful termination are based on pregnancy leave, FMLA, a complaint pertaining to wage violations, complaining about sexual harassment, medical leaves, and requesting for reasonable accommodation for a medical condition or disability. Many of these reasons for termination fall along the lines of retaliation. Retaliation would be if an employee complaining about an illegal issue such as sexual harassment or discrimination and were soon after terminated. The time frame, as well as the complaint itself, can lead to supporting evidence of a legitimate retaliation claim against the employer by the employee. Other issues can stem from retaliation, ultimately leading up to a forced resignation. Possibly an employee may be threatened to resign or they would be fired. Also, an employer may make an employee’s work environment so unbearable that they have no choice but to quit which may be categorized as harassment as well as retaliation.

It is common for comments like this to lead up to a termination or layoff in situations where age discrimination is taking place. You should know when its right to call a Newport Beach Unlawful Termination Attorney, as Even moreover, some employers will hire a much younger employee under the age of 40 to replace the older employee which also contributes to evidence that would lead to age discrimination. Other protected classes aside from age are a disability, gender, pregnancy, religion, race, marital status, ancestry, national origin, family leave, medical leave, and association with a member of a protected class. In order to pursue a case against your previous employer, an employment lawyer who offers free consultations as well as takes cases based on contingency would need to review and analyze all of the facts in order to decipher if wrongful termination did, in fact, take place and if it is a case that they should take.
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