Fullerton Unlawful Termination Attorney near me is a professional law firm in Tustin CA, serving Fullerton and all of Orang County area, Call or Request a Consultation Online Today with your #1 Employment Lawyers in California Stevens & McMillan! We are open Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm!
In the state of California, when it comes to laws regarding employment, employees, as well as employers, have rights. Certain laws protect both parties, however, the law office of Stevens and McMillan and their professional Fullerton Unlawful Termination Attorney near me team represent employees against their employer when their rights have been violated. Unlawful termination is an unfortunate yet common issue that is a potential issue in any place of employment. The term “unlawful” when it comes to termination, means that an employee was fired based on an illegal reason. Reasons for firing an employee that would be considered as illegal would be if any of the reasons fell under one of the protected classes in California.

Serving all of Orange County
Protected classes in California are race, age, gender, religion, marital status, medical condition, sex-pregnancy, national origin- including language use restrictions, sex- gender identity, and association with a member of a protected class. In a situation in which took place at work, an employee was treated differently based on one of the classes previously listed, it is considered as illegal. An employee who is being discriminated against based on one of the protected classes may experience teasing, jokes, hear rude comments made, demotion, singled out, excluded, not considered for employment, passed up for employment opportunities, and lastly, they may be fired or let go in which case, again would be considered as unlawful. Another common reason in which an employee can be wrongfully terminated based on an illegal reason would be if and when sexual harassment takes place and the employee reports the issue. Soon after complaining, the employee is fired, they may have a case of retaliation. Sexual harassment is illegal and it is the employer’s responsibility to prevent it from taking place and or addressing it as soon as it is reported. Reporting an illegal activity to an outside organization is also considered as whistleblowing. In an effort to seek justice for being terminated for an illegal reason, call the law office of Stevens and McMillan to set up an appointment for a free consultation. They are located close to the Fullerton Unlawful Termination Attorney near me area in Orange County and take cases all over southern California.
Serving all of Orange County
Anaheim |Lake Forest | Irvine | Huntington Beach | Garden Grove | Tustin | Fullerton | Santa Ana | Costa Mesa | Newport Beach | Orange County | Riverside | Los Angeles | San Bernardino
Call NOW toll free at (800) 738-3353 for a FREE CONSULTATION with NO RECOVERY – NO FEE (No Up-front Costs, Fees or Charges) if you feel like your rights may have been violated. Contact via email
Toll-Free (800) 738-3353
Monday – Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Useful links :
American Bar Association, Department of Justice , State of California, Supreme Court
United States Courts , Orange County Superior Court, US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
US Department of Education, US Department of Labor, US Small Business Administration
National Labor Relations Board, US Department of Justice, Disability.org, Library of Congress
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, The White House, University of California, Irvine, Irvine Valley College, Orange Coast College, California State University Fullerton