Orange County Employment Lawyer

Employment attorney Orange County Covers:

Orange County employment attorney is a professional lawyer group in Tustin serving all Orange County area, to contact please Call or Request a Consultation Online Today with your #1 employment lawyer orange county Stevens & McMillan! We are open Monday through Friday 9 am to 5 pm!

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The professional Orange County Employment Law firm of Stevens and McMillan is serving all of Orange County, CA. With over 40 years of combined experience in the field, the firm has helped victims of employment laws receive millions of dollars over the years through litigation against employers.

Sometimes in the workplace, people’s rights are walked on, and what’s worse is that most people do not know they have rights in the workplace. From discrimination to wrongful termination to leave of absence, if your rights have been violated, we (Top Orange County Employment Lawyer) can help you with no upfront cost. You can feel secure that our professional employment attorney Orange County team is the firm that will get you the results that you deserve as we have time and time again. For recent case results, refer to the right-side column to get an idea of what we have earned our clients.

Then if you have been harassed, discriminated against, wrongfully terminated, or if you’ve had any other labor law violated then we can help. Our employment law attorney Orange County team has helped numerous victims throughout the years earn what is rightfully theirs after suffering violations by their employers. Even if you do not believe you are financially capable of affording a top-tier employment lawyer, you should contact our Top Orange County Employment Lawyer team at (800) 738-3353. Feel free to contact us to set up a free consultation. you can feel secure that we are the firm that will get you the results that you deserve as we have time and time again. For recent case results, refer to the right-side column to get an idea of what we have earned our clients.

If you are looking for the best employment lawyers in Orange County, CA, We have consistently earned our clients millions in the 17 years we have been in business. Known for our long list of successes, Employment Attorneys Orange County is one of the only firms to also offer you no upfront cost for your employment law case. We also offer a free consultation either over the phone or in person.

Our Orange County employment attorney covers the following practices:


Workplace harassment occurs when employees suffer severe and pervasive unwanted conduct based on protected traits, such as age, sex, or race. This type of offensive conduct may include name-calling or epithets, offensive jokes, slurs, threats or physical assaults, offensive pictures or objects, or interference with workers’ abilities to perform their jobs.


Discrimination in the workplace is based on certain prejudices and occurs when an employee is treated unfavorably because of gender, sexuality, race, religion, pregnancy, maternity, or disability.

It is illegal to discriminate in any facet of employment, so workplace discrimination extends beyond hiring and firing to discrimination that can happen to someone who is currently employed.

Wrongful Termination:

Wrongful termination takes place when an employee is let go from their job for illegal reasons or if company policy is violated when the employee is fired. Illegal reasons could include violation of anti-discrimination laws, violation of whistleblower laws, or breach of contract for example.

Leave of Absence:

A leave of absence is when a worker takes an extended period of time away from work while still maintaining their employee status.

Leaves of Absence are typically granted for an employee’s own serious health condition or the serious health condition of their spouse, son, daughter, or parent. It includes medical, pregnancy, military, and family care.

Breach of Contract:

A breach of contract is a violation of any of the agreed-upon terms and conditions of a binding contract. The breach could be failing to perform any term of a contract, written or oral, without a legitimate legal excuse. Anything from a late payment to a more serious violation such as the failure to deliver a promised asset.

Wage Disputes:

Employees sometimes have difficulty getting paid what they are owed. Wage disputes can take several forms. Employees may dispute the number of wages they are paid by claiming they were not paid the correct amount. An employee can claim, for a given pay period, that they were not paid at all.

Employers and employees can get a wide range of services from employment lawyers. These are some of the most common tasks that employment lawyers assist with:

Explanation of Rights

  • An employment lawyer can explain to the client what his or her rights are. The lawyer will explain the relevant laws and all options for the client. These could include negotiation, mediation, litigation, or any other action. An attorney can explain the pros and cons of each option, and offer advice on the best way to proceed.


  • Employer lawyers are required to ensure compliance with all laws. This includes ensuring compliance with all applicable federal and state anti-discrimination laws. Employers may also be assisted by an employment attorney in Orange County to understand their obligations in complying with OSHA guidelines. Employment lawyers can also defend employers before governmental boards or agencies.

Filing of a Complaint

  • To pursue a private cause for action in most employment law cases, an employee must first file a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. An employment dispute lawyer can assist an employee in filing a complaint with the appropriate agency. They will also explain the deadline for filing the claim and any other relevant factors.


  • A professional labor law attorney California can also help with employment-related lawsuits. Employees who file a lawsuit against an employer for discrimination, wrongful termination, or denied benefits and wage and hour claims are represented by them. Employers can also be represented by them. Sometimes, employers file lawsuits against employees who believe they have violated confidentiality or non-compete agreements. Orange County employment lawyer can help with the following legal claims:

Wage and Hour Lawsuits

  • When an employee is not paid the wages and hours he or she is due, wage and hour claims can be filed. The employer might ask the employee to work overtime or may ask the employee to stop working. This can also happen if employees are misclassified to avoid overtime rates being paid to them.

Employment Discrimination Lawsuits

  • A lawsuit for employment discrimination may be filed if an employee is fired, demoted, reassigned, or not hired because of an adverse employment decision that was based on protected status. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 bans discrimination based on race, color, nationality, sex, or religion. The Age Discrimination Act forbids discrimination against employees aged 40 and older, while the Americans with Disabilities Act forbids discrimination in employment based on a person’s disability. Each law has its process and applies to different employers. Some laws apply to employers with more than 15 employees, while others can be applied to employers with more than 20 employees. Additional state laws may provide protections for employees if there are fewer employees. Other than federal protections, state laws can provide protections for employees from other classes.

Employment Class Actions

  • If many employees are adversely affected by the actions of an employer such as discrimination, wage, and hour claims, they may form a group action against the employer. This arrangement can involve multiple plaintiffs. This arrangement allows employees to split the costs of litigation between their party members.

Workers’ Compensation Claims

Workers’ compensation is available when an employee becomes ill or is hurt at work.

  • An employment lawyer can assist employees in filing a claim or appealing against a denial.
  • An employment lawyer may represent the employer’s best interests and help to prove a denial.

Third-Party Lawsuits

An employee might file a third-party suit against an employer in some cases for work-related injuries.
Employment lawyers assist clients by preparing complaints, communicating with the other side, and appearing in court.

Union Issues

Employees may be advised by employment lawyers about their rights to form a union, as well as other rights such as freedom from discrimination due to protected union activity. Employers may also be advised by them about their rights and responsibilities as union workers.

How do you investigate discrimination in the workplace?

Investigating discrimination in the workplace requires a thorough and objective approach. Here are some steps to consider:

  1. Establish a clear procedure: Create or follow an established procedure for investigating workplace discrimination. This may involve reviewing the company’s policies and guidelines, ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and following any specific reporting or investigative protocols.
  2. Gather information: Collect relevant information and evidence related to the discrimination allegation. This may include reviewing any available documentation, such as emails, memos, or performance reviews, and interviewing relevant parties involved, including the complainant, the alleged perpetrator, and any potential witnesses.
  3. Maintain confidentiality: Ensure confidentiality throughout the investigation process to protect the privacy and well-being of all parties involved. This may involve limiting access to information to only those directly involved in the investigation.
  4. Conduct interviews: Interview the complainant, the alleged perpetrator, and any potential witnesses separately to gather their accounts of the events or behaviors in question. Prepare a list of questions to guide the interview process and allow individuals to provide relevant information.
  5. Document findings: Document the findings of the investigation, including the information gathered, witness statements, and any supporting evidence. Maintain accurate records of the investigation process, including dates, times, and any actions taken.
  6. Evaluate and analyze evidence: Evaluate the evidence collected objectively and consider its credibility and relevance to the discrimination allegation. This may involve assessing patterns or trends, examining any prior incidents, and considering the context in which the alleged discrimination occurred.
  7. Reach a conclusion: Based on the gathered evidence, reach a conclusion regarding the validity of the discrimination allegation. Determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support the claim or refute it.
  8. Take appropriate action: If discrimination is found, take appropriate action based on the organization’s policies and applicable laws. This may involve disciplinary measures, implementing corrective actions, providing training, or making necessary changes to prevent future occurrences of discrimination.
  9. Communicate the outcome: Notify the complainant and alleged perpetrator of the investigation’s outcome while respecting the privacy and confidentiality of all parties involved. Ensure clear communication regarding any actions that will be taken as a result of the investigation.

It’s important to note that investigating workplace discrimination can be a complex and sensitive process. It is recommended to consult with legal professionals or HR experts to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations and to receive guidance throughout the investigation.

Related Topics: top employment attorneys, best employment lawyers, Orange County employment litigation lawyer, Orange County employment discrimination lawyer, 

Top Orange County Employment Lawyer

Call NOW toll free at (800) 738-3353 for a FREE CONSULTATION with NO RECOVERY – NO FEE (No Up-front Costs, Fees or Charges) if you feel like your rights may have been violated. Contact via email

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