4 cosas que debes saber sobre la ley de discriminación por embarazo en California
¿Qué sabes sobre la discriminación durante el embarazo? Las personas con potencial de embarazo están protegidas Algunos embarazos exigen protección...

What are The Benefits of PAGA?
What is the PAGA? Throughout the history of California, the State lacked the resources necessary to address widespread labor code...

3 Derechos de los empleados que sirven en las Fuerzas Armadas/Ejército.
Principales derechos de los empleados que sirven en las Fuerzas Armadas/Ejército. 1. El derecho a volver a trabajar después de...

3 Tipos de Acoso Sexual en el lugar de trabajo
¿Sabes que el acoso visual es una forma de acoso sexual en el lugar de trabajo? La Constitución de California...

Are you being paid the correct wages?
What Is The Minimum Salary in California? Employees in California have the legal right to compensation as set forth under...

4 Factores considerados en la creación de un entorno de trabajo hostil
¿Qué se necesita para transformar un entorno de trabajo simplemente molesto en un ambiente de trabajo hostil que acosa sexualmente?...

Análisis de casos de discriminación y acoso
En agosto del 2018, una joven fue contratada para convertirse en la Gerente del Centro de Envíos de una pequeña...

6 Notable ADA Cases
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was put into law in July of 1990. A civil rights law, the ADA...

3 Things to Know About the Rehabilitation Act
Please look at the 3 main things to know about the rehabilitation act Affirmative action is required for certain entities...

3 Things to Know About Quid Pro Quo Harassment
Quid Pro Quo is a Latin phrase that is used in English as a Latin phrase to refer to an exchange...

History of The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Throughout the past decades, many laws have been imposed to protect employees...

Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace is no Joke
Discrimination and harassment in the workplace is no joke. While most forms of blatant discrimination are outlawed in the workforce,...

How The Civil Rights Act Help The Stability And The Non-Discriminatory Feeling
Civil Right Act result: More opportunity for womenMore ConfidenceGave people a voice Let start from top: Civil Rights Act prepare...

Discrimination and Harassment Case Study Analysis
Sexual harassment case study Case studies about discrimination in the workplace In August of 2018, a young woman was hired...

Wrongful Termination in the US vs the UK
According to the chron.com article, “Compare U.S Labor Laws & European Labor Laws” by Gary White, in 2012, there were...

Different Types Of Discrimination In The Workplace
Discrimination in the Workplace Discrimination in the workplace can come in many forms such as Equal pay compensation Age Race...

History Of Workplace Discrimination
History of discrimination in the workplace What is the history of workplace discrimination and how to end workplace discrimination? Several...

10 Common Disabilities in ADA Claims
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), employees with disabilities are protected from discrimination in the workplace. Who might that...

Does Career Discrimination Still exist?
Some people might consider it a thing of the past. Others might even avoid its existence. There are always those...

3 Recent California Jury Verdicts Favoring the Employee
California has a reputation for being a fairly employee-friendly state, perhaps even the most employee-friendly state. Comprehensive anti-discrimination laws provide...

3 Rights of Employees Who Serve in the Military
Main rights of employees who serve in the military The right to re-employment after servingThe right to maintaining benefits and...

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Paternity Leave
New fathers, like new mothers, often have responsibilities that require time off from work. While maternity leave is the more...

Gender and Sex Discrimination
Things Employees Should Know About Gender and Sex Discrimination Even though gender and sex seem similar, they definitely are different....

3 Questions You Might Have About Religious Discrimination at Work
Both federal and California state laws prohibit discrimination in employment practices based on religion. However, religion can sometimes be a...

Leave of Absence Violations: Unexpected Modern Feminism
In this article, you’ll learn: How FMLA Established? Unintentional Benefit of FMLA FMLA produced a healthier environment Law protects worker's...

7 Types of Time Off Work that You Might Be Entitled To
California employees may be luckier than most in the United States. Aside from enjoying temperate weather and the beautiful west...

How ADA Can Protect Millions of American lives
Americans with Disabilities Act After reviewing the contents and elements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), I came to...

How Hiring Discrimination Affect Job Applicants
Hiring Discrimination Hiring discrimination in the workplace is the impetus of fear for new applicants when applying for jobs in...

How Law Protect Whistleblowers
Whistleblowers protection law in OSHA Merriam-Webster defines whistle-blower as one who reveals something covert or who informs against another....

California Is Ready to Ban Race-Based Hair Discrimination
Lawmakers in California recently passed a bill that protects black employees and students from discrimination based on hairstyles like afros,...

3 Major Categories of Protection for Whistleblowers under OSHA
Protection for Whistleblowers Workers in the United States have several legal protections to ensure safety and justice for everyone....

Wrongful Termination Laws in the United States vs Italy
Introduction Wrongful termination laws protect employees from an arbitrary discharge of discriminatory nature or firing that breaches contractually determined employment....

What Are The Best and Worst Paying Jobs of 2015?
Looking for the Best and Worst Paying Jobs of 2015? Some people choose careers because its what they love, while...

Things Siri and Alexa Won’t Tell You about Discrimination
While you can ask Siri what the weather will be or perhaps ask Alexa “what is the meaning of life?”,...

4 Things Employees Should Know About Harassment and Discrimination
What are The 4 Things Employees Should Know About Harassment and Discrimination With all the media surrounding the recent sexual...

3 Landmark Job Discrimination Cases to Know
What are famous employment discrimination cases or job discrimination cases? In many ways, employees today are in a much better...

A Real Story of Job Discrimination
I still remember the day my older sister went to apply for her first job. She was about seventeen and...

4 Types of Leave Your Employer Might Not Mention
For some employees, time off from work is difficult to get. They try to save sick days for when they...

3 Real Cases of Nonsexual Hostile Conduct that Still Qualified as Sexual Harassment
A hostile working environment can be a form of sexual harassment, which is illegal sex discrimination under Title VII federally...

4 Things to Know about Pregnancy Discrimination Law in California
What Do You Know About Pregnancy Discrimination? It is no secret that pregnancy, while often a blessing, can also be...

3 Reasons to Get Things in Writing in Employment Law
Many people are excited at the prospect of a new job, and most do not predict it will lead to...

7 Famous Whistleblowers Who Sought Truth and Justice
While most whistleblower cases do not make headlines, some of them do because of the scope of wrongdoing found or...

2 Ways Employers Sometimes Illegally Discriminate Against Veterans
While individuals who serve in the military often make great sacrifices for their country, many people do not seem to...

3 Illegal Ways Employers Punish You for Taking Time Off
Can you get fired for asking for time off? Can an employer punish you for sick leave? People usually...

4 Factors Considered in the Creation of a Hostile Work Environment
What does it take to transform a simply annoying work environment into a sexually harassing hostile work environment? People usually...

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Being Forced to Quit
Can an employer force you to resign? or is it legal for an employer to force you to quit? ...

3 Examples of Invasions of Privacy in the Workplace
What is considered an invasion of privacy in the workplace? People usually ask: Can I sue my employer for breach...

2 Challenges Veterans Might Face at Work
Veterans often have difficulties getting hired, in part due to widespread stereotypes and biases against them. Even when veterans get...

9 Things Job Hunters With a Disability Should Know
1. Where do my rights come from? When it comes to disability discrimination, there are a few different sources of...

6 Nuances of Disability Discrimination Law in California
Under California state law, workers with a disability are protected against several forms of discrimination in employment practices. Employers subject...

4 Rights Transgender Employees Have in California
While it is often challenging for any employee navigating work life to be a member of the LGBTQ community, transgender...

3 Upcoming Job Discrimination Cases with Huge Implications for LGBT Rights
The Supreme Court will soon be deciding on a matter very personal to people who are part of, or allies...

6 Reasons California Workers Should Celebrate
For the past few years, there have been some disappointments for workers when it comes to their rights and their...

3 Examples of How “Me too” Matters in Employment Law
Since 2017, “me too” has become an increasingly familiar term (and hashtag), one used to spread awareness of sexual harassment...

A History of Harassment in the Workplace
Few federal agencies are as beloved as the National Park Service (NPS). The NPS stands for many of the core...

Tips for Sex Discrimination in the Workplace
There are many ways to protect employees from sexual harassment in the workplace. In 1982, Ann Hopkins applied for a...

4 Ways Employment Law Addresses Sex Discrimination
In 2019, especially in California, society has gravitated to a more forward-thinking attitude towards the way sex and gender is...

What Is The Pregnancy Discrimination Act
The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 (Pub.L. 95–555) amended the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to prohibit sex discrimination on...

I’ve been fired! : 3 Ways Termination Can Become ‘Wrongful Termination
1. Sexual Harassment and Revenge It’s hard enough as it is to tell your tinder date after the first meet-up...

3 Ways Employment Law Measures Disability Discrimination
Rather than asking a question about disability discrimination and ‘if’ an individual is disabled, the laws that regulate disability discrimination...

4 Things You Should Know About Pregnancy and Employment Laws
Pregnancy Leave and Employment Laws Women should not be discouraged from pursuing their dream of having a family while...

4 Things an Employee Should Know About Filing a Disability Discrimination Claim
“You’re too slow for this job”, “people like you are lazy”, “You’re a freak”. Americans with disabilities endure all kinds...

5 Ways to Avoid Conflict When You Take a Leave of Absence
How to Avoid Conflict When You Take a Leave of Absence People frequently ask: What is a good reason for...

4 Steps that employers have to do to protect employees from sexual harassment
How good training can prevent sexual harassment in the workplace In the United States of America, each state has its...

3 Types of Issues Employment Lawyers May Handle
From suing a dry cleaning service for losing a pair of pants to filing for the return of a kidney,...

3 Ways You Didn’t Know You’re Being Discriminated Against at Work
Setting fire to your manager’s desk in some countries may earn you a verbal warning. Well, that may be an...

4 Ways You May Become a Victim of Wrongful Termination
4 Ways You May Become a Victim of Wrongful Termination Wrongful termination is where an employer fires an employee...

5 Important Questions Asked about Disability Discrimination and Wrongful Termination
Some employees enjoy being challenged in their work while others find pleasure in doing work that doesn’t feel like work...

Applicants and Temporary Employees are afforded the Same Rights as Regular Employees Under FEHA
A decrease in unemployment rates leaves job-applicants vulnerable to sexual harassment. In June 2017, California’s Employment Development Department reported...

How good training can prevent sexual harassment in the workplace
How good training can prevent sexual harassment in the workplace In the United States of America, each state has its...

5 Disabilities that May Be Protected By Employment Law
5 Disabilities that May Be Protected By Employment Law Disability discrimination is where an employer refuses to acknowledge your...

4 Situations Where an Employer May Retaliate
4 Situations Where an Employer May Retaliate Retaliation is a type of practice that is deemed unlawful under employment laws. ...

5 Employees who are Targets of Discrimination and/or Wrongful Termination
5 Employees who are Targets of Discrimination and/or Wrongful Termination Employees in California are considered at-will employees. This means if...

5 Awkward Sexual Harassment Situations at Work
Important Sexual Harassment Situations at Work Getting your dream job, let alone a job in general already comes equipped with...

4 Misconceptions Employees Have About Harassment
4 Misconceptions Employees Have About Harassment Harassment remains an issue in the workplace yet many employees remain unaware of...

5 Forms of Sexual Harassment You Didn’t Know About
1. Desire does not have to be what fuels the fire Did you know that not all forms of sexual...

5 Tricky Sexual Harassment Situations
What are the sexual situations in the workplace? Where did all the love go? Tell me what you want Fear...

10 Signs You might be a Victim of Sexual Harassment at Work
10 Signs someone is sexually harassing you You feel uncomfortable You are experiencing unwanted physical contact You are being treated...

3 Ways You May be a Victim of the Retaliation and Constructive Discharge Hybrid
Do you know there are several methods by which employer retaliation and harassment may happen after the resignation or quitting?...

What to do if you are sexually harassed in the workplace
What happens when sensual pestering becomes a mechanism for instilling fear in a victim? An employee’s fear for their personal...

3 Ways You are Being Sexually Harassed and Didn’t Know
Every day a Sexual Harassment Lawyer is called regarding questions about sexual harassment that took place at an employee’s work....

3 Ways Sexual Harassment Claims May Lead to Other Claims
A Work Attorney has many types of cases that end up on their desk, but the most common is sexual...

5 Basic Questions About Sexual Harassment You Thought You Knew The Answers To
Now, look at the 5 basic questions about sexual harassment you thought you know the answers to, every employer should...

3 Ways Sexual Harassment and Leaves of Absence Can Be Connected
How Sexual Harassment and Leaves of Absence Can Be Connected? Table of contents: What is a leave of absence? What...

5 Ways an Employer May Be Liable For Disability Discrimination
5 Ways an Employer May Be Liable For Disability Discrimination Employment laws in America encourage employees with disabilities and their...

How to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace
How to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace Do you know how to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace? Although...

5 Ways Employers Can Discriminate Against Workers
5 Ways Employers Can Discriminate Against Workers Employers can, unfortunately, find different ways to discriminate against their employees. Particular classes...

3 Things To Know About Taking a Leave From Work
3 Things To Know About Taking a Leave From Work It is early in the morning, the sun has...

Top 6 Tips for Hiring the Right Employment Lawyer
Top 6 Tips For Hiring The Right Employment Lawyer Do you know what is...

3 Reasons Why an Employee Needs a Discrimination Lawyer
Do you know what is the 3 reasons why an employee needs a discrimination lawyer? discrimination in the workplace is...

10 Signs You Were Fired Illegally Based On Your Age
Are You Fired Because Of Your Age? People usually ask Can an employer tell other employees why you were fired?...

3 Issues Employees May Run Into At Work
Employees today may come across certain issues at work that may lead to mistreatment and ultimately the loss of their...

3 Forms of Sexual Harassment You Need to Know
What is the form of sexual harassment we need to know? Gossip can be a form of sexual harassment Certain...

What is Women’s Rights in the Workplace?
Do you know What is Women's Rights in the Workplace? “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are...

3 Forms of Discrimination You Didn’t Know About
The State of California is full of employment opportunities and chances to improve your quality of life by obtaining...

4 Reasons Why the Law Protects Whistleblowers
Before protective laws were enacted through Congress, workers couldn’t feel confident in reporting malfeasance throughout the workplace due to backlash...

4 Reasons Why Age Discrimination Lawyers Are Necessary
Why Age Discrimination Lawyers Are Necessary Age discrimination occurs in the workplace when employees who are 40 or older are...

7 Things You Didn’t Know About Medical Leave of Absence From Work
Can you be demoted while on a medical leave of absence from work? People usually ask How to ask for...

3 Excuses an Employer Might Make When They are Accused of Battery and/or Sexual Harassment
3 Excuses an Employer Might Make When They Are Accused of Battery and/or Sexual Harassment The word “battery” is a...

3 Basic Points About Employee Rights You Need To Know
3 Basic Points About Employee Rights You Need To Know Have you ever wondered what would happen if you...

4 Reasons Why the Law Protects Whistleblowers
Before protective laws were enacted through Congress, workers couldn’t feel confident in reporting malfeasance throughout the workplace due...

4 Things to Know About Leaves of Absence and Wrongful Termination in 2025
People usually ask Can you get fired for taking a leave of absence? What is termination while on unpaid leave?...

How people have fought against discrimination
Many employees face discrimination. The ADA, ADEA, Title VII Civil Rights Act and OSHA’ s whistleblower laws help females, minorities,...

How The American Disability Act (ADA) has protected the disabled workers?
The American Disability Act (ADA) has increased the probability that disabled workers can be included in the workforce. No longer...

Impacts of OSHA’S Whistle-blower Laws in Workplace
Every employee is entitled to a safe and conducive working place as provided by the Statutes of land. Similarly, OSHA'S...

How My Mom Sued the Government and Won
The year is 1991. My mother has been recently promoted to branch secretary for a federal government agency. A few...

4 Tips About Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
This day in age, it is hard to believe that being accepted to college, hired at a job, or being...

How to Deal With Sexual Harassment Outside of The Workplace
How to deal with sexual harassment outside of the workplace? It is well-settled law in California under the Fair Employment...

8 Things You Need To Know About Disability Discrimination
1- At the Federal and State level, discrimination against employees with disabilities is prohibited by law. Under the Federal law,...

3 Types of Sexual Harassment at The Workplace
3 Types of Sexual Harassment at The Workplace Do you know visual harassment is a form of sexual harassment in...

8 Main Disability Discrimination Questions
What are the 8 main Disability Discrimination questions and how to prove disability discrimination? Americans with disabilities are subject to all...

The Influence of Title VII on LGBTQ Workers
The direct effects of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 have been obvious since the time it was passed, but...

Religious Discrimination
What are my rights as an employee to practice my faith and can my employer impose their religious values on...

Bullying in the workplace
As a law office, we often receive calls about supervisors and other coworkers bullying employees. Often times, employees want to...

What can I do if I’m being sexually harassed at work?
Are you feeling uncomfortable at your workplace because you’re being talked to, treated, or touched in an inappropriate way and...

What is CFRA and how can I qualify for it?
Are you currently receiving treatment for a medical condition and worried about losing your job? Are you wondering if your...

What are my employment rights after suffering a work injury?
Have you been injured on the job? Are you currently on leave for a workers’ compensation claim and want to...

Can I get Fired for Taking Time off due to Domestic Violence?
Are you a victim of domestic violence or currently breaking off from an abusive relationship from someone you were previously...

Can my Employer Fire me if I am Pregnant?
Does your job require you to work more than eight hours a day? Does your job require you to work...

Top Qualities of a Great Lawyer
What Makes a Great Lawyer Want to get in touch with a great lawyer? Stevens and McMillan are the best...

Obamacare and the Supreme Court Today President Barack Obama’s big health care reform law is back at the Supreme Court....

Where to Get a Job
The Best Place to Get a Job in 2015 If you hope to get a job in the next three...

Top Court Cases of All Time
What are the Top Court Cases of All Time? The law is an ever-evolving entity in a symbiotic relationship with...

Saudi Lawyers Sentenced To 8 Years Behind Bars For Tweeting
A Saudi Arabian court on Monday sentenced three lawyers to up to eight years in jail for sending tweets critical...

Employment Law Part 1
Employment Law Part 1 This is a three part series covering employment...

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Sexual harassment in the workplace is no joke. It is, in fact, illegal. It’s against...

Wrongful Termination Settlements
The Basics of Wrongful Termination Settlements Wrongful termination settlements is said to have occurred when an employer has fired/laid off...

Orange County Employee Benefits Attorney
Orange County Employee Benefits Attorney - Get the Highest Possible Settlement Unfortunately, sickness or injury can strike anyone at any...

English-Only Policies in the Workplace
Are English-Only Policies in the Workplace legal? Although English is the language spoken by most people in the United States,...

Contemporary Sexual Harassment Issues
It is common knowledge that sexual harassment in the workplace is an unlawful matter. What is not common knowledge, however,...

Laws on Pre-Employment Screening
Pre-Employment Screening and how its can violate your rights! With the job...

Employment laws on Tips and Gratuity
The restaurant hospitality industry houses employees who rely primarily on tips and gratuities as their primary source of income."Gratuity" is...

OSHA on Workplace Violence
Workplace violence is the violence or threat of violence against workers. It can range from threats and verbal abuse to...

Employment law on Breaks in the workplace
A good number of people have no idea what breaks they are entitled to take after working a certain amount...

Stevens and McMillan featured in Press Enterprise
Via PressWire: Scott Teutscher, 55 from Temecula a former Riverside Sheriff's Association official was awarded $814,750 on his claim that...

Whistleblower Statues
Wrongful Termination in violation of public policy. Although employees in the State of California are generally presumed to be at...

Required disability accommodations in the workplace
As an employee with a recognized disability, you have the right not only to a work environment that is free...

Wrongful Termination
Employees who are terminated unexpectedly and without any reason given by the employer, may feel that they have been the...

Employment Discrimination, Protected Activity
In California, which is an at-will employment state, an employer can terminate an employee for any reason, no reason or...

Sexual Harassment In the Workplace
Sexual harassment can take a variety of forms and is not always based upon overtly sexual conduct. Most people recognize...

Wrongfully terminated for no reason?
Wrongfully terminated for no reason at all, or for a reason that you feel is unjust? In California, if you...

The Law on Harassment by a Coworker
Harassment in the workplace can be disruptive and cause a great deal of stress. It is important to know your...

California law on Pregnancy Leave
How long do I get to take off of work for pregnancy leave? This is a complicated question and employers...

Free Consultation with No Recovery – No Fee (No Up-front Fees, Costs or Charges)
Having problems with a current or recent employer? Do you feel like your rights have been violated? Call NOW for...