Top Fullerton Wrongful Termination Attorney is a professional lawyers team in Tustin CA, serving Fullerton and all Orang County area, Call or Request a Consultation Online Today with your #1 Employment Lawyers in California Stevens & McMillan! We are open Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm!
Going through a termination from your workplace can be a nightmare, so hiring Top Fullerton Wrongful Termination Attorney can help you! It can be a financial nightmare as well as a mental strain. It can be even worse if you know that you were unfairly fired because of an employer that had discriminated against you. In situations like that, you do have Fullerton Wrongful Termination Lawyers on your side. The Fullerton Wrongful Termination Lawyers of Stevens and McMillan can help you follow through with a lawsuit against your employer.
We are a top litigation firm with over 20 years in the field combined between three top attorneys. We, your Top Fullerton Wrongful Termination Attorney, have consistently earned our clients the highest settlements in their cases, giving us the ability to now offer no upfront cost for our services. This means you pay nothing until Fullerton Wrongful Termination Lawyers win your case and you earn a large settlement. If you would like to just ask questions about your situation, Top Fullerton Wrongful Termination Attorney can help with that as well. Call illegal termination lawyers now for a free, no obligation consultation over the phone. We are more than happy to answer your questions.
Whether it be wrongful termination due to retaliation from age discrimination, sexual harassment, handicap discrimination, race discrimination, religion discrimination, or pregnancy discrimination, SCMC will be able to help you with no upfront costs in certain cases.

Serving all of Orange County
Anaheim | Orange | Garden Grove | Tustin | Huntington Beach
Fullerton | Irvine | Santa Ana | Costa Mesa | Newport Beach | Lake Forest
As well as Los Angeles County, San Bernardino County, and Riverside County
Call NOW toll free at (800) 738-3353 for a FREE CONSULTATION with NO RECOVERY – NO FEE (No Up-front Costs, Fees or Charges) if you feel like your rights may have been violated. Contact via email
Toll-Free (800) 738-3353
Monday – Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm
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Useful links :
American Bar Association, Department of Justice , State of California, Supreme Court
United States Courts , Orange County Superior Court, US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
US Department of Education, US Department of Labor, US Small Business Administration
National Labor Relations Board, US Department of Justice,,
Occupational Safety and Health Administration, University of California, Irvine, Irvine Valley College, Orange Coast College, California State University, Fullerton
Wrongful Termination in News: The San Diego Union-Tribune , The Denver Post , The Miami Herald