Pregnancy Leave Attorneys Costa Mesa
Pregnancy Leave Attorneys Costa Mesa is a professional Attorney group in Tustin serving Costa Mesa and all Orange County area, Call or Request a Consultation Online Today with your #1 Employment Lawyers in California Stevens & McMillan! We are open Monday through Friday 9 am to 5 pm!
If you have been struggling with issues in the workplace due to pregnancy leave, you need to know your rights. By California labor laws, you are allowed to take off a substantial amount for reasons related to your birth. The length is based on your certain situation. We are glad to help clarify the law for your specific situation. Simply give us a call and our friendly paralegals will be happy to do so, free of charge.
We have been continuously successful in our 15 years of handling employment law. This is why we have been able to now offer our clients no upfront charge for our services. We do not make a penny unless we win your case. You pay nothing upfront for our fees, court fees, etc. Our Pregnancy Leave Attorneys Costa Mesa group will handle all paperwork and research on your behalf. Call us now for a free consultation.
Any employee handbooks that are handed out need to have information regarding pregnancy leave. If an employee is disabled by pregnancy, that employee is given the right to four months disability leave. The employee is permitted to take the pregnancy leave, can take the leave before or after the birth of the child. It is not required but if the employee can, they should give the employer at least 30 days advance notice of the due date of the pregnancy. The employer is also obligated to meet any reasonable accommodation requests made by the employee’s doctor. In a situation where an employee feels that they are being discriminated against for being pregnant or taking pregnancy leave, they need to write a formal complaint to the human resources stating that they feel they are being discriminated against for taking a pregnancy leave as well as for being pregnant.
If you would like to hear further as to what your rights are, go ahead and give our Pregnancy Leave Attorneys Costa Mesa team a call and we will answer all your concerns, free of charge. Should you have a valid case of termination due to pregnancy leave, we offer our services with no upfront cost to you. Pregnancy Leave Attorneys Costa Mesa make their income when they win your claim. Our professional Pregnancy Leave Attorneys Costa Mesa team is confident that they are the best in the field. Give us a call today to get started with our friendly paralegals and team of attorneys.

Call NOW toll free at (800) 738-3353 for a FREE CONSULTATION with NO RECOVERY – NO FEE (No Up-front Costs, Fees or Charges) if you feel like your rights may have been violated. Contact via email
Toll-Free (800) 738-3353
Monday – Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm