Answer for I was in a car accident last year and have been out on leave for the past 15 months. My employer just sent me a letter stating that I am being terminated. Isn’t that illegal? I thought that they can’t fire you when you are on a leave.

There is nothing that prevents a company from firing a person while they are on leave. However, they can’t decide to fire the person just because they are on leave,…

Continue Reading Answer for I was in a car accident last year and have been out on leave for the past 15 months. My employer just sent me a letter stating that I am being terminated. Isn’t that illegal? I thought that they can’t fire you when you are on a leave.

Car accident last year

I was in a car accident last year and have been out on leave for the past 15 months. My employer just sent me a letter stating that I am…

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Answer for I am a salesperson for a large cellular company. Recently, they fired me without notice. I had never received any kind of written reprimand. They said that I was underperforming. Yet, they never provided me any training. I would like to sue them for wrongful termination.

Unless you work for the government, have a union, or have a contract that prevents your employer from firing you, you are an “at will” employee. An at will employee…

Continue Reading Answer for I am a salesperson for a large cellular company. Recently, they fired me without notice. I had never received any kind of written reprimand. They said that I was underperforming. Yet, they never provided me any training. I would like to sue them for wrongful termination.

They fired me without notice

I am a salesperson for a large cellular company. Recently, they fired me without notice. I had never received any kind of written reprimand. They said that I was underperforming.…

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Answer for Three years ago I was fired after I complained that my supervisor was lying to customers. I have not been able to find another job. What should I do?

It sounds like you may have had a good whistleblower case. If you complain about an illegal act that your employer is committing to a government agency or a person…

Continue Reading Answer for Three years ago I was fired after I complained that my supervisor was lying to customers. I have not been able to find another job. What should I do?

Answer for I worked for a grocery store for over six months and they just fired me saying it was due to performance issues. I am the only black person working there and I think it is because I am black. Do I have a case?

There are not enough facts for me to answer this question. Generally speaking, there are only a few ways to prove that race was a factor in a termination decision.…

Continue Reading Answer for I worked for a grocery store for over six months and they just fired me saying it was due to performance issues. I am the only black person working there and I think it is because I am black. Do I have a case?