Garden Grove Discrimination Lawyers is a professional law firm in Tustin CA, serving Garden Grove and all Orange County area, Call or Request a Consultation Online Today with your #1 Employment Lawyers in California Stevens & McMillan! We are open Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm!
Why Hire Garden Grove Discrimination Lawyers
If you have been the victim of age-based discrimination in southern California, please contact the best Garden Grove Discrimination Lawyers Stevens & McMillan at (800) 738-3353 for a free consultation.
What is the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967?
There are various laws out there, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, which protect persons from age-based discrimination. Here, we will discuss one specific law, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (“ADEA”), a specific law-based subject that typically requires one to hire a Garden Grove Discrimination Lawyers. The ADEA prohibits discrimination in employment against workers age 40 or older.
Furthermore, any adverse employment action motivated by age bias is unlawful and should be handled by a Garden Grove Discrimination Lawyers. Some examples of adverse employment actions would include demotion, denial of an available job, a hostile work environment, transfer to a less desirable department/location/etc., changing your work hours, reducing your wages, holding you to a higher standard than other employees and/or writing you up for things that other employees are allowed to do, failing to take action when you complain about harassment/discrimination/retaliation, unjustified negative performance evaluations, etc. It is also unlawful to retaliate against an employee for opposing an ADEA violation and/or hiring Garden Grove Discrimination Lawyers.
Garden Grove Discrimination Lawyers typically handle cases such as: As an example of age-based discrimination covered by the ADEA, imagine an employer had 100 employees, half of which were older than 40. If the employer laid off six employees, all age 40 or higher, and replaced them with workers in their 20s, all in an effort to have a “younger, fresher” employee force, then this would be age-based discrimination. The employee would potentially have a claim against the employer for age discrimination.
If you have been the victim of age-based discrimination in southern California, please contact the #1 Garden Grove Discrimination Lawyers Stevens & McMillan at (800) 738-3353 for a free consultation. This article has only touched on the general scope of the law and is for information purposes only. This article is not intended to give legal advice.

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Call NOW toll free at (800) 738-3353 for a FREE CONSULTATION with NO RECOVERY – NO FEE (No Up-front Costs, Fees or Charges) if you feel like your rights may have been violated. Contact via email
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Monday – Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm
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