Discrimination in the Workplace
Discrimination in the workplace can come in many forms such as
- Equal pay compensation
- Age
- Race
- Disability
- National origin
Discrimination in the workplace is an important issue to understand and be informed about. Therefore, it is essential for employers and employees to know and recognize the laws because it acts as a guideline as to what is accepted in the workplace.
Employers should keep in mind the ethics in operating an establishment by treating everyone with dignity and respect without consideration of perceived differences. The Equal Opportunity Commission (EEOC) plays a significant role in employment law where some employers may lack the resources necessary to determine if they in compliance with government expectations.
Equal pay compensation
There are various types of conduct that qualify as discrimination in the workplace which include equal pay compensation which is a difference in pay based on gender, race, or disability. For example, a male employee was paid higher wages than I was paid. The male employee was in the process of finishing up the course and training required for the position, whereas I was qualified and had more experience, yet he was paid more.
For decades, the pay equality gap has been researched and no progress has been made. Half of the workforce are women, and some are the sole providers. Equal pay for women would represent a benchmark in the movement for gender equality. There would be no progress achieved if the movement for equality utilizes the same methods that have kept women from being paid equally. It is still a work in progress advancing equal pay compensation for women, but if we look past gender and focus on what individuals are presenting.
Age Discrimination
Age discrimination is another type of conduct that qualifies as discrimination in the workplace. We all age and will become old. The elderly can influence the presence of diversity with their great wisdom and creativity, they give us tips on how to handle life’s diversity, as well as enduring change. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act was enacted in 1967 to promote the employment of older workers based on ability rather than age. It also helps prevent discrimination and help solve issues that may arise with an aging workforce. I personally enjoy working with the older generation because they give me a different perspective on different aspects of life, they motivate me to be all that I can be, and they respect everyone even if their supervisor is young.
Disability Discrimination
Discrimination against individuals with disabilities is another type of conduct that may be qualified as discrimination. Individuals with disabilities want to feel safe and be respected and valued like everyone else in the workplace. It is important for all employers to recognize that we are all different as well as understand the importance of acceptance. The American Disabilities Act is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. The law is put in place to ensure that individuals with disabilities have the same opportunities and rights as everyone else such as job assignments, promotions, training, and any other term or condition of employment.
Race Discrimination
The federal law prohibits racial discrimination in the workplace. Workplace diversity is essential because it gives us the opportunity for personal and professional growth. Diversity in the workplace gives us the ability to experience many talents, perspectives, ideas, and creativity from different backgrounds. Employers can benefit in various ways from diversity by ensuring there will be a wide range of ideas, skill sets that can help the company to have more ideas and less false visions. Valuing diversity can increase the company’s viewpoints by being challenged to learn and grow, skills which could result in a workplace that functions better, and experiences which leads to better decision making and problem -solving. The most important step for employers that want to be competitive on an international level, is to embrace diversity in the workplace.
All forms of discrimination come from a place of fear. I treat everyone with dignity and respect because that is how I want to be treated. I was always encouraged by my grandparents to embrace others who are different because we tend to gravitate to those we think are similar to ourselves. We are all uncomfortable before we are comfortable. Once we open doors for more understanding of our actions, appreciate differences among others, move beyond our feelings, look past external characteristics, clear our minds and open our heart, and recognize that individuals everywhere have the same basic needs, it could result to fewer insecurities and judgments about others. Eliminating discrimination can be challenging, but it is one of the most important aspects of any business operation. When employers develop and commit to equal employment policy, it can establish a foundation for mutual respect. Employees will feel as though they are valued by their employer which leads to a productive workplace.
Discrimination laws are put in place to prohibit any form of discrimination. If the laws were not put into place the nature of our society and our quality of life would deteriorate. All employers are required by state and federal laws to make an effort to train employees properly on the various types of discrimination qualifications. Workplace education and training can help fix the weaknesses within the company, increase consistency, open line of communication, and reduce legal risk. Equality and diversity can improve the workplace because it ensures that everyone is treated fairly as well as have access to the same opportunities.
We all deserve to work in an environment that is free from discrimination We all come from different walks of life, and if employers promote equality and diversity, employees will come together and thrive to achieve success. It is important for employers and employees to know and understand what constitutes discrimination within the workplace. Discrimination is unlawful and all workplaces must comply and actively promoting equality and diversity to all employees. Treat others with much respect.
Author: Donella Daniels from University of Phoenix