Civil Right Act result:
Let start from top:
Civil Rights Act prepare more opportunity for women to get leadership jobs
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 signed by President Lyndon Johnson and it prohibited discrimination not only in the workplace but as well as in public such as schools. Even though discrimination has not been completely eradicated but it has improved with this act because it allowed women to get more executive and leadership jobs and people of different skin colors to get more jobs. This has been a great opportunity for my own family and friends who have diverse thoughts than even myself. However, because of this law, it allowed my friends to get diverse jobs such as a Certified Nurse Assistant and Medical Assistant because she was qualified for the job. I also believe that even though before this act it would have been impossible for a Hispanic woman to get a job as a medical assistant, because society had a belief that any person in the health field was in charge of another’s life and a Caucasian person had more of a right. However, she was able to get the job and I believe that working in the medical field it better for one to have diverse beliefs because everyone you work with has different views than you and it is important for a hospital to have multiple perspectives to understand their patients as much as they can.
There has been a decrease in the discrimination seen with the United States after this civil rights act and it has been seen that approximately 15% of female managers existed in the United States now about 40% of female managers exist in the workforce. Along with that 1,469 black elected officials were in the US in 1960 but now an estimated 10,500 black elected officials are in the US. This act has truly changed the idea of racism towards every group including religion, age, gender, race and more, but it can still be seen today as of last year, for example, this year a Ford engineer sued the company for discrimination that he had to go through with his supervisors who were criticizing him for his Arab background. Even despite his strong qualification for the job by having a Ph.D. in industrial engineering and working for more than 15 years in the industry, he was still a victim of discrimination because his supervisors treated him like trash by constantly berating his work. This was brought to court and the jury awarded Khaled about 17 million dollars for emotional distress, damages, pension loss, and more. This law was able to protect a highly qualified and talented man from the constant discrimination that his co-workers had put him through.
Civil Rights Act gave people a voice and a reason to stand up for themselves
Another issue that has arisen is the fact was when female employees sued Google for gender discrimination. Three women who had suffered Google discrimination of having lower pay than their male counterparts but also having to work more in order to prove themselves as capable. There was not only gender discrimination that was happening but there was also racial discrimination because not many women help executive positions, but along with that, it was hard to find someone who was a female minority in top executive positions. They would also ignore many qualified women who had the same skills as another man but all of the more “prestigious and hard” jobs were all given to males. Along with that Google has also implied that it has not done any of these things because the hiring process is very rigorous and done by multiple people, but Google has had multiple complaints up until the beginning of this year but the courts have denied and pushed the cases aside. However, if this continues then it will come to a point where this can come to light about how these minorities are treated in their area of work. If it was not for this law then it would not have been possible for these minorities to stand up against their companies and state that this against the law, and that everyone needs to be treated the same. This Act really gave people a voice and a reason to stand up for themselves and it has given a possibility for those to diminish the racism that still exists in our country.
Civil Rights Act law decrease in racism and gives people confidence and better health.
However, this law has also done a tremendous amount for others such as some black employees who have not been promoted after years of working at the fire department. They have also stated that they have been getting lower wages in comparison to their white counterparts and with that, they are suing because they believe that there needs to be a change in the employment offices, leadership team, and inclusion training for all of their employees so that the relationship between employer and employee can be open and transparent. With this lawsuit, they were paid almost 100 million dollars for any institutional biases they had to face. With this lawsuit, the fire department stated that for the first time there was a majority of non-white applicants who took the firefighter exams. This lawsuit help determines and improves the quality of life for every race that has felt discrimination by the Fire Department. It is also interesting that because of this civil act it allowed the inclusion of every possible type of discrimination, but studies have shown that the decrease in racism that anyone has to experience every day gives them the confidence and better health. Why do a person’s differing views have to become a stressor that can lead to a higher risk of chronic diseases that a person has to experience in life? If we can continue as we have with these social reforms and go back to narrowing not only discrimination but as well as the economic status of our population, it will help improve our country for the better instead of the diminishing economy and quality of life.
Having these laws be implemented has helped develop this nation for the better and it is important to see that social reforms such as the Civil Rights Act have played a large role in working with the diverse population that is present in the US. Due to a much large diversity seen in the US than in another country, it should also have rules and regulations that accommodate the people who went through a lot in order to make it in the United States. Having laws and social reforms such as this will help better the country as a whole for later generations to enjoy the stability and the non-discriminatory feeling that people are going through today.
Author Jenny Ngo, University of Utah.