Employment Law QuestionsCategory: LeavesDoes employment law recognizes alcoholism as a disability?
Bryan asked 5 years ago

I have been a functioning alcoholic for the past several years.  However, my condition has gotten worse and I really need help.  I want to check myself into rehab but I’m afraid to tell my boss because I’m scared he’ll fire me and then I’ll be out of a job with no money.  Do I have any rights or protections??

1 Answers
Stevens and McMillan Law Firm Staff answered 5 years ago

First of all, we are glad you’re recognizing your problem and seeking professional help.
Fortunately for you, employment law recognizes alcoholism as a disability and therefore you are entitled to many of the same rights and protections as other people with more traditionally recognized disabilities.  Your employer is required to reasonably accommodate your need for rehab such as taking a leave of absence to check yourself in.
Disability accommodation is a balancing act between the needs of your employer and the employee.  It all depends on your specific situation, so the best thing to do is call us right away so our professional employment lawyers team can help you, inform your employer and make a request for accommodation.